samedi 19 février 2011

Desired futures? Life purpose?

From the often 'stuck' present place it is often difficult to define what this desired future is. Below are some options that may help to clarify what is is we really we really want for ourselves. 

Postcard from the future:
Imagine yourself in the future doing this thing you feel you want to be doing. Where are you? Doing what? Who is with you?  How does it look, feel, smell, taste? What is good about it? Write yourself a postcard describing how it is and how you got there. Perhaps find a card that represents this future as a backdrop to write on. Or, draw yourself your own postcard.

How do you want to do / be / feel?  Downey suggests ' if you cannot detect something through your senses then it does not exist. It is a figment of the imagination. If you take the time to translate goals or objectives into something you can see, hear and feel - and I guess smell if you must - then you will identify two additional aspects of the goal.' Effective Coaching , 2003.

Celebration / remembrance speech:
How would you like to be remembered? What would others be saying about you, your life and what you did in it?  This could be when leaving your organisation, one part of your life or even at your funeral. An interesting slant for women leaders could be - how would you like your daughter to remember you, for what?

Coaching wheel: 
The coaching wheel can be used to set out visually where you feel you are at present, where you would like to be for the future and to identify which areas you would like to focus on at present. 

'Golden moments' / 'In the zone'
The 'in the zone' sports analogy is often referred to in coaching. That moment when you are so totally engrossed in what you are doing you could carry on almost forever, you are relaxed and focussed, perhaps exhilarated, enjoying the moment and no longer bombarding yourself with doubts about whether you are able to do it. 
Think back to situations where you have felt like this. What were you doing, what made it so special, who were you with, what were they doing, how did you feel, what personal driver or need did it meet?  Recall several of these moments and note your thoughts down. What pattern emerges? What is it telling you?

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