dimanche 20 février 2011

Useful links and web sites

Arbinger Institute - focuses on the idea that the underlying problem is often not the what we do, but how we do it - self deception.  The book Leadership and the Art of Self Deception is a useful resource for both coaches and manager, to better understand how we relate to others around us, whether at work or outside. 

Otto Scharmer - including articles and tools on the U Journaling process.

Aid on the Edge of Chaos - exploring complexity & evolutionary sciences in foreign aid.

Personality theories, types and tests - Businessballs

Covey overview of ideas in 7 Habbits

Mike the Mentor - compilations of coaching models


The Clean Collection - clean language

Systemic Constellations

Andecote - Change management 
Lasagne and Chips - knowledge and change management blog

Ingenious People's knowledge - people are the centre of all action

Johnnie Moore - articles and podcasts about facilitation

The Work Foundation 

Adair action centered leadership Runge Effective Leadership 


Association for Coaching (AC) - Recommended reading 

Metaphor - TED talk

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Daniel Pink

Motive means and opportunity - Bruce Britton

Delta 7 - great site using images to get to the unspokens in organisations

Delta 7 This is our organisation

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